AUDIO   -Talk Shows, Reports, Interviews, Questions
                                                                                                                   of   Michael Hammerschlag

NEW   Lecture Questions              ALL  REALPLAYER Files            auto DOWNLOAD REALPLAYER (RealOne basic- 8 meg)
                                                                                                                                          (wait for download box) 
NSA Director Gen. William Odom -new (REALAUDIO 52 min) ARTICLE  Dissects strategic blunders of Iraq, escape strategies, geopolitical consequences, civil war, Iran attack, Korea- April 7 - Brown Univ., Watson Institute INFO excellent
MY QUESTIONS on IRAN BOMBING (realaudio) + HANDICAPPING IRAQ CIVIL WAR (@ 2:03) - 7:14 min total WindowsMedia

Debate with Congrsmn. Patrick Kennedy D-RI (audio) about validity of IRAQ Invasion (he voted to authorize force)- 11 of 15 minutes 3/30/03        Prov. Journal article on it (bottom) + Andrea Mitchell speech       ARTICLE: FIRM of MIND; SOFT on FACTS

Daily Kos's
Markos Moulitsas Interview- (realaudio) 7 min   (winmedia)    ARTICLE
Proprietor of most read liberal blog slams Chafee, etstimates Dems chances

BARRY FARBER Radio Show (audio) new Feb 27, '05 5-6pm STATIONS - re: How Kerry Lost and Bush's outrages

BARRY FARBER Radio Show (audio) new Feb 22 TITAN landing and Cassini mission re: CLOUDWORLD, Future of Iraq after elections, Junk e-mail- Business + Lifestyle Talk Radio Network

GETTING GOOD NEWS: The Government vs. the Press in Times of War (audio) (windowsmedia) new- Mike's BROWN U. Lecture - History of Press restrictions in War since WW2; How Vietnam changed everything and made the media the enemy- 27 min., Salomon Hall, Brown Univ., Dec 13, 04  POSTER

HOWARD DEAN in Manchester, NH Town Meeting - Radio Report (coming)- Question on Debt 2:22- Dec 22

BARRY FARBER SHOW (audio) Jan 6,04 - re: Howard Dean + the World, IRAQ War, My Exploits in Russia -38 min

BARRY FARBER SHOW (audio) - On the Future of IRAQ re: STOPPING the NEXT BOSNIA 40min -Dec 4, 03   Talk Radio Network- 35 stations (very conservative);   FARBER is a 55 yr talk show legend     Brown U. Conference on Kurds (audio) 4:03 min- Oct 1
10th Anniversary of Moscow Oct '93 Revolt - (AUDIO) - VIOLENT COMMUNIST ATTACK that ALMOST DEPOSED YELTSIN -200 killed in 2 days of battles at WHITE HOUSE and OSTANKINO TV CENTER - 7:20 min 10/3    EXCLUSIVE NEW AUDIO
 TALK SHOW (aud) w liberal nat. host Meria Heller (updates) on Iraq, Bush, Terrorism, 2000 Elections + threats to the republic - APRIL 10 - 1hour

ATTENTION:   If you get connection time-out error reset it on Realplayer at view/preferences/connection/network time out; set them to maximum: 300; This will give your player more flexibility; If takes long time to load (server delay) do something else + wait or try low use period like very late night

RI NIGHTCLUB FIRE (article+photos)- Nat. Interview REPORT (aud) 2/24 3:32min    KIRO-710am Report Seattle 2/21 8:30am 4min    KIRO TALK SHOW (aud)w Dave Ross-2/21 12 min               - 4th Worst US Fire in history shatters smallest state- with interviews with survivors at dawn Friday 

TALK SHOW on PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION TV + VOTE-COUNTING MISTAKES (Audio) - WHJJ-AM Providence- 34 min- - Arlene Violet - only guest- 1 hour;   Jan 9, 2001; Violet is former RI Attorney General, ex-nun, + ex-Nader's Raider        REALPLAYER fm Realproducer 8.5 (56kbps) - about article "WHOOPS", HOW the NETWORKS GOT IT WRONG - MediaChannel
          INTERVIEW of  WALTER CRONKITE (audio) - realplayer- On TV Election Mistakes - (coming)
       DOWNLOAD REALPLAYER (RealOne basic- 8 meg)                     (wait for download box) 

- 13th State, WSBE -Ch 36 , Providence RI      
- VIDEO (real)- 2:25 min                                                            Only Guest - 30 min- RealPlayer streaming G2 File fm Realproducer 8

TELEVISION RESUME TAPE Menu - Iowa Caucus Presidential Primary (My Questions- Hart,Glenn,Cranston,Ferraro; + Mondale,Reagan) + Wash DC; Memorial Day WW2/Vietnam Commentary- Minneapolis, KIFI-TV8 Reports- Jackson Hole WY, Yellowstone, + ID.; Reports fm Russia: Red Sq., St. Petersburg, Kiev - VIDEO (real) -41 min RUSSIA Rprt Audio

RUSSIAN MAFIA + CHECHEN WAR (audio)- KUOW-FM Seattle- NPR- Weekday Talk Show - Dec 94 - 20 min REALPLAYER re article CRIME STORY

                            »»» from  RUSSIA

OCTOBER REVOLT - Oct 3-4, 1993 - Live Taped Commentary during Communist Revolt that almost Overthrew Yeltsin - 200-500 died;    Speaker of Parliament + Vice President urged violent attack on Mayors Skyscraper + Ostankino TV Studios- Moscow, Russia- TOTAL- 33 min
              with article 24 Hours in an October Revolt
          5 min Talkshow fm Guardian offices-Sept 22
             Tape of Violent Crowd at White House (Parliament) when I was seized by crowd 9-11pm 
             Yeltsin Support March- Manezh Sq. to Theatralnia Sq- Midnight
             Attack on Ostankino TV Hdqtr- 3000 Protestors with machine guns, RPG against 25-50    Yeltsin     troops, later APC's     12am-10am
             Seige + Taking of White House by Yeltsin troops with Tanks in front of crowd of hundreds    2pm-7pm

RADIO SOUTH AFRICA (Audio) (Johannesburg,SA) - 1-3 minute Reports for several weeks fm Moscow after  Oct. Revolt
     (RealPlayer G2 Audio File)       PLUS              total both 29 minutes
KING-AM Seattle - Radio Talk Shows from Russia with Jim Althoff - March- Aug '93

YELTSIN COMMENTARY (realaudio) - March '93- (for Open Radio-AM, Moscow)  After vicious political attacks, special referendum on Yeltsin's rule and Yeltsin's mother's death- first vote on reform- 2:10 min- Moscow... The most moving period in Russia- Nobody knew if Yeltsin's reign was through, but he won resoundingly by 3:1    

PRESS CONFERENCES - Inter. Press Center- Radison Hotel Moscow -
    My Questions-
James Baker (real) on Iraq retaliation after Saddam's plot to kill Bush I, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yegor Gaidar, Gennady Burbulis, Anatoly Chubais


CHARLIE RANGEL (audio)- new 35 yr. Harlem Congressman, founder Cong. Black Caucus; Question on Republican tone deafness re. Katrina, Libby, tax cuts, and cuts for the poor- Brown U., Salomon Hall- Oct 24, 2005

JAMES  LILLEY (audio) new Ambassador to China during Tiananmen, Taiwan, and South Korea- Questions about moral foundation of Chinese Communist Party with wild capitalism; Remembrances of Tiananmen Sq. Massacre- Brown U. Watson Inst. Strait Talk Symposium- Nov 13, 2005

NORMAN SOLOMON (audio) new Liberal Media Critic, Columnist, and founder of Institute for Public Accuracy; Question on whether media will now finally stay tough on Bush's prevarications- Nov 13 Salomon Hall, Brown U.

DENNIS ROSS - Ambassador + Mideast Negotiator - 1:36 min April 29 Brown U. - about difference between US Camp David proposal + Arafat claims;   whether Abu Mazen will be endangered by plan to confiscate arms

GEORGE RYAN (aud)+ Larry Marshall - Repub IL Gov. who commuted death penalty for 156 inmates on death row in Jan-  4:46 min- excerpts + question- April 15, 03 Brown U. Lecture + NW law professor of Innocence Project

GARY HART (audio) 5:10 min Mar 18- Senator, Pres. candidate and Chairman of Nat. Security Commission - Brown U lecture on US security on eve of Iraq War

ANDREA MITCHELL(aud) NBC correspondent - Lecture Brown U. 3/30 question on whether media has started telling us what to think about Iraq War 2:54 min TEXT of QUESTION

RAYMOND COHEN- (aud- threat of Shiite control in Iraq 3:14) Israeli terrorism expert 4-23-03- Palestinian Peace prospects (3:36), Brown U., Watson Institute, Rabin Assasination,

JANET RENO  (aud) :55 - Clinton Attorney General speaks on risks of unlimited detention without appeal- Brown U lecture- Question on authorizing Starr to investigate Monica 3-31

STEPHEN FLYNN (aud) RADIO NEWS REPORT - author + director of  HART-RUDMAN Report on America's continued huge vulnerability to terrorism -4:52, Watson Institute, Brown U. 2/10/2003       Council on Foreign Relations Sn. Fellow - Oct 2002 Task Force inc. Gary Hart, Warren Rudman, William Webster, Warren Christopher, George Shultz, 2 Joint Chiefs;   Flynn's Senate Testimony on containers

ROBERT McNAMARA (aud)- Brown U symposium on Cuban Missile Crisis- Watson Institute 10/23/2002- Recent stunning revelation was that Soviets had 162 nuclear bombs on Cuba during the whole dustup- we came a hair from the death of tens of millions- 2:15 minutes

ROBERT REICH (aud) - Clinton Labor Sec.- Brown U. Conference A Time of Great Consequence - 1:14 min 4/3/03

JOHN McCAIN (AUDIO) Real - 2:27 min Sen. John McCain Rally, East Greenwich Armory, R.I., Feb 2000

Mike McCURRY Realplayer (AUDIO)
- 2:40 min - Clinton Press secretary- April '99 -RI Business Convention  
 LETTER from MCCURRY about resignation -Aug 98 (met him in Moscow in '94) 

KATHRYN FULLER- (aud) President- World Wildlife Fund- 4/2/03 - On development of electric cars 1:57 min

COLIN POWELL- April '00 -RI Business Convention, Providence                           

SAM DONALDSON (aud)- TOWN MEETING fm PROVIDENCE, RI on Terrorism - Nov 8, 2001   

TOM WOLFE (aud)- Brown Univ. Lecture - April 14, 02- INFO On the Cities, Temples of Museums, Power Lunches, and Ken Kesey- poor audio

(aud)- Brown Univ. Lecture - April 11, 2002 on Media reluctance to question Bush's legitimacy and competence- poor quality audio

COMMENTARY2 - Coming Attractions re. Iraq Jan 31    NPR Radio Commentary - Critique of obnoxious ubiquitous musical Mitsubishi TV ads    

TALK SHOW COMMENTS     Daniel PEARL's MURDER, Threats (AUDIO) to Reporters + my Kidnapping and Ambush in Russia- NPR's  ON POINT - Feb 22,02
                                           Wait for connection +  Move Realplayer slider to 44:40- 47:20     
           INFO on Show  
                                        Wonders of Wired Magazine (audio)       NPR     On Point    July 21     Visually stunning, visionary magazine      INFO

Stalin's death 50th anniversary (audio)     NPR   Connection  Mar 5      Greatest monster in history         Move slider to 20:26-25:00   INFO

         Overthrowing the Iranian mullahs   (audio)       NPR  Talk of the Nation-Jan 22, 03       Move slider to 21:45-24:40    INFO
New Hope for Iran- article (scroll right)
                           new       State of Science Fiction- events imitating it (audio)       NPR   On Point  May 20. 2005    2min

                                          Bush Tax Cuts (audio)- Arlene Violet Show 2-28-01 -predicts hundreds of billions of $ deficits- and now he wants more

Russian attack on Chechen Moscow theater terrorists (Audio) - NPR Talk of the Nation- Oct 28,02     Move time slider to 25:30-28:37   INFO
                                                                                                                                                                                                              article -
Season of Plagues
Criminality and Legitimacy of Russian Oligarchs (AUDIO)- NPR's  On Point - May 3          INFO          Move time slider to 22:12 -32:20: minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                                     article -
Russian Government takes Control of TV
NPR TALK of the NATION (aud)- Comments on Promiscuous Airline Security - 11/21/01 3:10pm        INFO          Move time slider to 10:10 - 12:23 minutes
                                                                                                           article -
OLYMPICS and Excess Triumphalism (aud)- NPR Connection -  Jan 31st 2002 2nd hr   INFO    Move time slider to   36:15 - 41:28                                                                                      
Dialog w Matt Brzezinski re Phillipines - Washington Post Live- Jan 2, 02 - re. his article on '95 warning of Muslim terrorist flight training  from Ramzi Yousef's 11 aircraft
                                                           bombing Phillipines' plot    half way down


WE/MUI Magazine (Hearst/Izvestia- Russian in Moscow + English in Washington) boy/girl
Radio Ad- written and recorded by me (from Open Radio-AM, Moscow)- poorly produced (too loud bad music)

George Bush - David Letterman interview- Sept 2000- RealAudio - hard questions on oil - 4 minutes