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The Bush Dyslexicon
The Bush Dyslexicon


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Chew before swallowing

January 17, 2002—"That's when I first got to know Ken and worked with Ken and he supported my candidacy for—and—but this is what—what anybody's going to find if—is that this Administration will fully investigate issues such as the Enron bankruptcy . . ."

Trembling on the brink

January 17, 2002—Americans would do well to start worrying less about the handful of US fatalities and more about the dozen-odd dead in border clashes between Pakistan and India. Enraged by Pakistani separatist attacks on the Kashmiri Parliament and the Indian Congress in New Delhi, the Indians, after stewing for a month, have edged the nations towards a war that neither could probably control.

Poll reader, poll thyself, then speak loudly and clearly

January 17, 2002—I haven't written much over recent months. Instead I've just been taking it all in. I don't think I've been missed. Others have picked up the slack quite nicely. I've read what others have had to say about the "man" that occupies the White House, and I've been pondering Bush's 90 percent approval rating.

Ignorance is not bliss

January 17, 2002—A new year begins with the economy in recession, unemployment and homelessness rising, and health care and housing costs skyrocketing. But is that anything new, in the center of global capitalism? Nor is it new that we are inflicting punishment on poor third world people who never did anything to us, while our leaders claim this is only the beginning of a long, long war against terrorism.

Biomass generated energy; another threat to the health of U.S. forests

January 17, 2002—It was a Friday evening in early summer. I was heading into the agreed upon bar and restaurant to attend a watch party for a new, locally produced TV program dedicated to environmental and quality of life issues.

Guarding against terrorism

January 17, 2002—Blame-and-Bash-Clinton mentality is standard fare in today's consolidated corporate right-wing media. However, there are a few facts the partisans conveniently fail to mention.

Enron and the Corporate States of America

January 12, 2002—Amazingly, there have been few massive corruption scandals involving presidential administrations in American history—Teapot Dome, Watergate, Iran-contra and Iraqgate. Each of those were cooked up and carried out by a sitting administration. Therein lies the difference between those scandals and Enron.

It's your money

January 12, 2002—That was Bush's catchphrase for justifying his tax cut during his campaign. The implication is that taxation deprives you of your property which ought to be rightfully returned. It followed, Bush said, that those who were taxed most heavily deserved more of their money back.

Left Is Right
"We are not in the Promised Land"

January 12, 2002—Welcome to the new year of 2002. Do you have any resolutions? I don't have any; but I do have a statement: "We are not in the Promised Land yet." What did you say? You heard me.

Media Beat
Determined struggle brings a radio network back to life

The art of the deal is a media dream: Savvy achievers get to the top. Guile and artifice—even outright deception—may well be part of the game, but there's nothing like success. One way or another, money and centralized power end up calling the tunes. Or so the media script often goes.

Enough blah-blah, let's act . . . but fast . . .

January 12, 2002—Words are cheap. So is talk. But that doesn't stop thousands of talking heads shooting their mouths off and even more of us writing our so-cute little columns about the event that is already being elevated to "The Day That Changed The World." (Notice use of caps.)

Freedom is not free—Americans should not ask where is Bin Laden but why

January 12, 2002—I read Senator Jon Kyl's "Brave New World" commentary in the The Northeast Phoenix Independent (Jan 2-8) and almost fell over in shock, laughter, then disgust.

Collateral damage

January 12, 2002—I'm tired. I'm exhausted. I feel like I have been beaten up. In a nutshell, 2001 kicked my ass. I am also in denial that I am no longer in Maui. It's different there. Perhaps I'm a nut job, but there is something about it, something sort of magical and spiritual. Something that brings out the positive, and the joy in people. Something that I haven't experienced in a very long time. Must be that Aloha Spirit. Ahhhhh, the blessing of escape.

The View From Abroad
Give greed a chance

January 7, 2002 -- The 47 percent of the country who voted for Bush wanted some or all of the things that Republicans support: all stops pulled out to give greedy money-making free rein; less governmental controls; smaller government; reduced taxes, more and better religion in government; more baseball and less policy, a simpler America, by America and for America.

Sally Slate's
Reprehensible Sources, January 7, 2002

Will you join the criminal class on Feb. 6? You will if you are in possession of, consume, distribute or sell any foods or beverages containing hempseeds or hempseed oils. So check those ingredients labels on beer, cheese, coffee, corn chips, energy drink, flour, ice cream, snack bars, salad oil, soda and veggie burgers.

"Oh, laddie, go tell it to the Marines!"

January 7, 2002 -- In the mid-70s, I attended a full day seminar by the wonderfully eccentric, British psychiatrist R.D. Laing. At one point in his address, given before an audience of rather tight-assed, Calgary, Alberta, psychiatric professionals, he explained what the term, hubris, meant to him. It was a wonderful, dramatic moment. And while I no longer have my notes, I recall the scene clearly.

America's Guernica: Questions

(YellowTimes.ORG)  Did young German bomber pilots display courage as they dropped their payloads on the small Basque city of Guernica in 1937? As they taxied down the runway, engines throbbing and hearts pounding, did the leader of these winged warriors scream out "let's roll" as he led his men on the first air bombardment of a civilian population?

Mamas, don't let your children grow up to be graduate students

January 7, 2002 -- A good way to check the pulse of college faculties right now -- if you have steady nerves -- is to dial the large universities nearest you, ask how many graduate students they currently enroll, and then ask how many full-time faculty they just hired.



The ouster of the Taliban and the disruption of Osama bin Laden's terrorist network may have bought the U.S. public some added safety four months after the Sept. 11 attacks. But those gains could prove illusory because George W. Bush has ignored the root causes of the violence.



George W. Bush is back on the road, flattering the nation's "heartland" as a place where people appreciate the values of "family and faith, of personal responsibility and hard work." The implicit message is that Bush still finds those values lacking in coastal cities, despite the events of Sept. 11.



The Enron scandal has pushed US politics to the brink of a fundamental overhaul after more details emerged yesterday of the intricate web of relationships built up between the bankrupt energy trading corporation and the Bush administration with the help of millions of dollars of campaign cash.



The United States is engaged in a strategic power grab in central Asia of epic proportions. In previous eras, this sort of expansionism would have been called colonialism or imperialism. It would be portrayed as a dutiful mission to civilize the less fortunate of the world or as a legitimate expression, perhaps, of America's manifest destiny. Now it is simply called the "war against terrorism."



Hey, time for a quick trivia quiz! Here's your question: When was the last time the Democratic Party stood for something? Give up? It's been a while. As near as I can figure, the most recent episode was the drive for health care reform of 1992-93, that helped Bill Clinton unseat a sitting president and elected several other key Democrats.



If you believe President Bush, Kenneth Lay—one of his top financial backers and his "good friend"—was merely an equal-opportunity corrupter of our political system, buying off Democrats and Republicans as needed. It is a convenient claim designed to unlink Bush from the biggest bankruptcy in US history



After the leader of their union was shot down at their plant gate in late 1996, Edgar Paéz and his co-workers at the Coca-Cola bottling factory in Carepa, Colombia, tried for more than four years to get their government to take action against the responsible parties. Instead, some of the workers themselves wound up behind bars, while the murderers went free.



After years of focusing on issues of personnel and policy, it's time for Pacifica to refocus on programming. What's on Pacifica's airwaves needs to win hearts and minds as well as comfort them. Can it do it? Sure. With the unique programming it has produced for years— including Goodman's Democracy Now! which returned this month from exile—and lots of time for questions and listening. There needs to be welcome room for everyone, especially those with doubts.



You know, I might very well have been convinced George W did pass out after choking on an unchewed pretzel while watching the Baltimore Ravens playoff game if only his staff hadn't held a press conference to announce to everyone that he passed out after choking on an unchewed pretzel while watching the Baltimore Ravens playoff game.



In 1992, shortly after being named moderator of Meet The Press, Tim Russert was having lunch with a broadcast executive. The mealtime conversation was about the pros and cons of working for General Electric's NBC subsidiary. Russert expounded on how being employed by GE had brought him to the realization that things functioned better when Republicans were in charge.



The system is blind--not only in Argentina, not only in Latin America. For the most notorious economists, the people are mere numbers. For the most powerful bankers, they are debtors. For the most efficient technocrats, they are problems. For the most successful politicians, they are votes.



Last week, the administration tiptoed to the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that California no longer has the right to object to oil drilling on three dozen old and undeveloped leases in federal waters off the state's midsection. There were no town hall meetings, no press announcements, no photo ops, just a legal brief dropped off at the clerk's office.



The idea of fair elections has politicians running for cover. By shabby legislative ploys and disingenuous public statements, elected officials are trying to undermine campaign finance reform


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