From: "allen houston" <>:
<>Date: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 10:11 AM
Just read your Dean
Gored piece from a link on I'm a reporter that works on a small
paper in Texas and unfortunately I have grown increasingly disillusioned with
the way that the mainstream media's political coverage (well most of its
I basically become interested in Dean back when he was Gov.
I used to live in New York and I covered a story when he was trying to pass the
healthcare package for kids. What struck me was a really blunt quote that he
said, in essence "Screw the drug companies, if they want to fight, I'll
fight, even if I have to drive the kids to Canada personally for their
medication". I paraphrase because I lost that article somewhere in the
move down south. Anyway, that stuck with me and when the war started Dean was
the only one at that time speaking out against in clear tones. Of course, then
came the rise and fall of Dr. Dean. Let me say that he's not a perfect person
by any stretch of the imagination but he was opposed to an immoral war, he
didn't vote for the patriot act, no child left behind, etc. Like many of the
dems. That said, the media has been unusually hateful and malice-filled in its
coverage of Dean. As you pointed out, it has gone through various transitions
as the media has tried
to pin Dean down to
an easy label.
When Howard Fineman asked Dean if Christ was his personal
savior and Koppell asked if Dean could win, I nearly lost. Of course the
negative coverage worked and Dean appears to be on his way out (I still hold a
little hope). Kerry, I don't know, the guy just doesn't excite me. I have the
sneaking suspicion that with him as president things won't improve that much
(of course bush out is a good start). Okay, check out my site . I have story on
the top left about how the media has coronated and dethroned in front runners.
My little way to blow off steam.-al
From: "florence murphy" < >Subject: Dean and the World Date: Monday, January 05, 2004 11:59 AM
Thoroughly enjoyed your article about Dean, for me, he is the only candidate who appears to have the guts to speak up and who hasn't been tainted by the DC lobbyists. Kerry, Lieberman, Gephardt have been in DC for lots of years and even with some Dem. power have done little for the general common good. I personally don't trust them to put in universal health care. Clintons made a big mistake; had they gone for the whole nut we might have gotten something for the people. Now, we have the GOP version of nothing. Thanks again. Florence Murphy walk in beauty ciao
The real politics of the United States
is the politics of the swing voters who are between 10 and 20 per cent of the
electorate in a typical election. Their politics is a politics of semiotics,
i.e. a politics of symbols and moods which translate into a vote for one
candidate or another. One candidate has a positive image and a second one has a
negative image. These symbols are created by the establishment newsmedia
usually to the detriment of the candidate of the Democratic party.
--This is the problem, it really doesn't matter what Dean
is actually like in person or what his real stands on issues are. What matters
is how much a candidate can free himself of the stereotypes that the society or
at least its official sources pin upon him. They will keep hammering that Dean
is "angry." Actually, W. seems far more angry, far less kind, more
cruel and sadistic, and hateful as President than the worse moments of Dean's
--That is where Dean shows promise, he can take it, he does
not hedge his positions, he answers everything back immediately and without
self-doubt. That is the hope.
--Any of the Democratic candidates for president would do
better than W. and the Republicans on security and anti-terrorism issues but
the official media will never examine this issue objectively, only in terms of
semiotics and cardboard, irrelevant characatures.
From: "Benjie Watts" Subject: My guess would be....Date: Monday, January 05, 2004 12:28 PM
My guess would be Bush 49 States
Dean, Kerry, or any other Dem....1
Benjie Watts PS..If you were honest you'd predict the same thing. MH- I am honest + you are nuts.
Dean and the World from by dabize
I haven't seen an article with which I agree this much in a while. It addresses the silliness of the CW that Dean is weak on foreign policy (NOBODY is weak on FP next to Bush), plus many other issues, such as the need to fight the Bushian madness directly.
You're right, we couldn't build one damn road in Afghanistan
after blasting the detestable Taliban and Bush has trashed every International
treaty that's essential for American security. We don't build things unless
it's part of sweetheart payoff to Repub firms at 20 to 50 times the going rate
of what Iraqis would charge.
----As to dividing Iraq, I don't assess it's likelihood or viability- it is an
idea, a new idea that might get people thinking. Editors thought it was sort of
radical (till, see below, NYT did it). As far as Turkey giving up a piece, who knows? It got a good laugh at a conference on Kurds when I asked the Turkish rep, but A. Turkey is desperate to get in EU and EU wants to make them prove they are civilized (as should everyone); B. Turkey has been fighting nasty rebel actions for ages against the Kurds, C. that little corner of mountains is useless to the Turks since they don't control it except by air, and D. they, like the Israelis, might finally realize that giving up some land is a good deal for peace. As far as Iran, they have no big beef with the Kurds, they gave them respite and shelter from Iraqi + Turkic persecution.
----As far as Turkey opposing a Kurdish state, my reaction to that is the same to the thuggish Chinese who threaten Taiwan for squeaking independence: screw 'em. We don't have to kowtow to bullies (except when they supply 90% of goods in WallMart). The Brits were, of course, arrogant, but lines were going to get drawn, they just drew them very badly (though Iraq, Syria, Jordan were almost one big pan-Arab state, which would have lasted 2 years before exploding). Regarding Israel's evaporation, this is thing I did about Israel's nukes. I now think Palestinians are so exhausted they would blow up Tel Aviv, even if it meant they would be fried too. Thank Aussies for treating Bush with the respect he deserves.
NEXT STAR OF BETHLEHEM?- (Seattle Times)- Meaning and implications of Israeli nuclear arsenal (200 bombs?); Vanunu's proof, kidnapping, + imprisonment
are very sharp about the oil wells- I missed that, but it would be a huge bone
of contention. I think the election will force withdrawal of 3/4 or so of US
soldiers by Sept., depending on how big successfull attacks are waged against
us. One Beirut sized bomb and pressure for withdrawal would be huge.
I don't worry too much about the lower castes of US troops- think
they're paid pretty well, compared to almost anything else they could do at
that age and experience- frankly I'm frightened by the fact that almost
no soldier verbally opposed this idiotic invasion and went to Sweden or
Canada (or no media reported it). I think we are one nuke away from becoming an
instant police state, and these troops would as quickly repress Americans in
the street. Don't understand why we are out of soldiers with only 150-180,000
in Iraq and Afghanistan and poor Nat. Guard tapped so cruelly (one weekend a
month, unless your Prez wants to show up his daddy). They are really getting
shafted, on med care, respect, lost jobs, etc.). Lunaville is good on
casualties stats.
sent out couple of weeks ago
NYTimies could have run my wonderful piece sent 4 weeks ago, but instead wait and run almost same thing Nov 25 by Head of Council on Foreign Relations- Leslie Gelb , whom I've met and spoken with a few years ago. Esp. since I actually wrote it in my head in beginning of Oct., so again am way ahead of curve. He has more of the mechanics of partition and isn't advocating it as a way to prevent bloodbath of our departure or grant a homeland to long-suffering Kurds, but as way of punishing Sunnis by depriving them of oil revenue, and avoid getting blown up. No oil reserves in center apparently, which I didn't have (but at 1300 words had no space anyway). CFR is concerned with the application of US power and never criticizes the government, but has some brilliant people, like Stephen Flynn, author + director of HART-RUDMAN Report on America's vulnerability to terrorism. RADIO REPORT: (must access this from audio page?)
Re: Michael Hammerschlag: 'Bush's fatal mistake'
(Score: 1) |
I sure as hell wish one of the Dems running for
president had the GUTS to tell it like it is like you do. Maybe you should
run or at least become the speech writer for one of them. Keep it up. |
Re: Michael Hammerschlag: 'Bush's fatal mistake'
(Score: 1) |
Note: A reactionary liberal is every bit as dangerous as
a reactionary rightwinger. |
Re: Michael Hammerschlag: 'Bush's fatal mistake'
(Score: 1) |
The main point here - bush/cheney are likely out in
2004. If a known quantity and insider with connections like Kerry gets the
nomination, bush's political end in 2004 is virtually guaranteed. |
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002
03:32:02 EDT
Subject: Under this new
From: "Lakhbir
Gandhi" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002
13:47:39 -0800
Subject: congress
A distinction sir, the Indian Congress is not a government institution like it is here in the US but the name of Indira Gandhi's political party which is not even in power as of today but has been for much of the 50 yrs since independence. And before you ask, no , I am not related to any of the other Gandhi's you hear about. I liked the content of your article and agree, Pakistan has been thumbing their nose at India for awhile so the Indians are trying to make the most of this ghastly opportunity handed to them.
One idea I have is that since neither are willing to compromise on Kashmir why don't they both declare the entire Kashmir a jointly administered territory. That can form the basis of a collaboration lasting and giving decades of peace. It can also be an opportunity to understand ultimately that the division of India & Pakistan was a political ploy by the British to defang India when they left and start toying with the idea of a united India, a new name for the union shouldn't be hard to think of. The Kashmiri people will then enjoy India's secular and monetary policies while feeling as being one with Pakistan, they shouldn't complain about this arrangement barring a few aspiring politicians trying to take advantage of the situation. ----Pakistan then gets the backing of India's industrial might & India can stop pouring money into defence & look after it's own poverty for a change, not to mention knocking the wind out China's meddling in the region.
Regards, Lakhbir Gandhi MH Your point was well-taken and the wording’s been
changed to avoid confusion.
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001
13:55:27 EDT
Subject: I read your article on liberal slant. it is so
nice to read a "thinking
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001
01:13:34 EDT
article was stunning. Thank you for speaking the truth. Sad that
this sort of honest writing can only be
found on the internet. While reading the Washington Post
(that alleged bastion of liberal thought) today, I was struck by the fact that the editorial page had three
right wing columnists and two centrists. Every headline was spun to make
Bush appear in command. I feel as though I've gone through the
looking glass and I'm terrified for the future of this country.
Thank you for speaking out.
Patricia Razeghi
John Coyle <>
Fri, 13 Apr 2001 13:24:17 -0800
Thank you, Mr. Hammerschlag. Thank you for having the
courage to communicate what the comatose, corporate-controlled mass media
simply refuses to do: report the truth.
These are historical times we live in. This
nation--nay, the world--deserves far better than the shameless pandering and
insulting propaganda that is put forth by a vast majority of the American
As folks like myself engage ourselves in politics, it
is difficult to keep our "eyes on the prize" when we are forced-fed
such manipulative disinformation. ("Liberal media," ideed!)
You, however, are an inspiration. It is my personal
belief that our tightly-wound nation will soon experience a significant
political/social"awakening." Please keep writing. The world will need
to know the truth.` P.S. If you
have moment, please visit the following site:
John R. Coyle
Portland, OR
From: "Susan W.
Schwartz" <>
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001
21:30:35 -0400
Dear Mr. Hammerschlag:
Thank you
for this cogent, wonderfully spirited commentary. Perhaps I felt such a sense of consonance with your views because
certain paragraphs read as if transcribed from my mind. It is likewise especially refreshing to read
your truth-reveling text, given the cynical Orwellian-speak of Bush-boy and his
Bush, Inc. cronies. Thank you for your
work. Wishing you and yours many
blessings. Susan
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 16:33:42 EDT (Caution: toxic lunatic)
You are one sick, sorry, SOB suck ass. You should know about CORRUPTNESS, only a clinton ass kisser could recognize something like that to put into words. All the shit you spew should be shoved up your ass and twisted. clintons (yes both of them) are the biggest traitors to come on the American scene for a very long time. Maybe since harry hopkins. Yet people like you are so quick to jump on someone else. Where was your wise ass comments when the sick sonofabitch was sitting there in the White House? Where are you with your comments about the whore (or is she a lezzie?) sitting in the senate that SHE BOUGHT (she couldn't have done it any other way other than corruptly). You make me sick and I would love to tell you to KISS MY ASS.
Fri, 12 Jan 2001 10:50:47 EST
Subject: Your editorial
I read
your editorial/article at the site and just wanted to say
this: I have read dozens of articles
criticizing what happened with this
election, but yours was absolutely the BEST!
covered every single issue that needs to be addressed and had some new
perspectives on issues that are being “done” to death, i.e., the Ashcroft
nomination. I hope every Democrat and
independent in the US gets a chance to read this - I will certainly pass it on
- and realize what’s going on with the Republicans/conservatives.
you for stating your views so well.
Message-From: “Stephen S.
Bates” <>ID:
To: <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001
01:24:54 -0600
Subject: RE: Relativity or are
Republicans evil? (Or do they just act that way?)
powerful essay, Mr. Hammerschlag! I’ve just spent two days writing dozens of emails
to most of the Democratic Senators and
the few courageous
Representatives in the CBC, urging, praising, chiding, imploring, regarding the
recent challenge to electors
the upcoming confirmation hearings, all the while doing the work I must to earn
a living. I’m weary as hell... and grateful
the inspiration your essay provides me to keep challenging the GOP SOB’s who
are wresting democracy from our grasp, and the
Democrats (by no means all of them, of course) who may yet let it happen. Let
me reassure you... somebody out here gives a
what happens next. Thank you! - Steve Bates
Stephen S. Bates
PO Box 272488
Houston, TX 77277-2488
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001
23:05:21 -0500 (EST)
are a hopelessly twisted sick person. Only a demented, convoluted, i.e. liberal
mushhead could believe your crap. Do me a favor and DON’T
email me back.
From: Yvonne Provencher
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001
20:00:39 -0600
finally I have found, in your commentary, the words that express what I felt
about what happen in the election. I
was beginning to wonder if I was all
in my opinions. Thank you so much,
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001
23:46:13 -0500 (EST)
just wanted you to know that your on-line
journal article dated jan 10 brought tears of rage and hate to my eyes!
I, for one feel as though
have literally been raped by this clown! I’M READY TO FIGHT! We must mobilize
quickly or stand the risk of being eliminated in the
And I dont mean the far-off future! I’m scared for my grandchildren more than
anything! These pigs are on a mission to carry
everything that was started in Germany in 1933! Does no one remember King Georges daddys state-of-the-union
address in
early 9’s when he spoke of a “New World Order”? This was Hitlers exact
terminolgy during his cusping moment in 1941 as he was about to
over Poland! I have the 1942 Brittanica Book of The Year to prove it!
pray that somehow God gets us out of this awful mess!
Ronald Lambert
Liked your
article except for the part where you lambasted Gore for not letting the Blacks
on 6 Jan. Yes, I am shocked at Americans sitting on their duff. Obviously
civic and social studies classes have failed to teach democracy. Without
democracy we do not have the rule of law, only the rule of tyrants. No
matter how much they pretend in Congress, in the media, or that part of the
general public that does not realize what has happened, there is only the
semblance of the rule of law. I just wonder when martial law will be
declared. Will it be during the demonstrations at the inaugural?
As to Ashcroft not suppose to be confirmed, I, too, wondered about that.
Cheney/Bush is simply testing the waters. Will the Democrats
lie down and
roll over? From my last reading there are still enough Democrats who are
left undecided and could confirm Ashcroft who in no way represents what the
Democratic party stands for. It is obvious the appointed president has no
intention to unite the country when he has proposed people for cabinet
positions that are far to the right. Cheney/Bush have no intention of
ruling from the center.
Karen Boerboom
2369 Airport Road
Platteville, WI 53818
is no longer the party of Lincoln, but of Jefferson Davis, John Wilkes Booth
and Joe McCarthy. I have long contended
that the Republican Party is
the cutting edge of an American brand of clerical fascism. The religious right has taken over the core
of the party. George Bush is doing his
to talk us into a recession for two simple reasons: 1) to hang it on Bill
Clinton and 2) to get his tax cut of 1.3 trillion dollars, most of
will go to his rich friends and supporters.
luck and keep exposing the hypocrites.
From: Steven Bushman <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January
06, 2001 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: Michael
Hammerschlag, Freelance Writer:
have had the good fortune of having read some of the other work that has been
done by Mr. Hammerschlag. He brings
Editorial News Reporting
a new elevated level of excellence. I
think you should consider presenting more of his future material.
Dr. Steven Bushman
Bridgewater Arch, VA Beach, VA 23462-7166
pager: 521-6163