Media Prostitutes And China Coverage
As the world
media focus on the U.S. spy plane showdown with China, News
Dissector Danny Schechter asks if China coverage is shaped by
interests other than journalistic ones.

Vladimir, Ted And The Free Press: The Showdown Over Russia's
NTV While NTV's journalists protest a takeover by the state gas
company, media mogul Ted Turner announces his deal to buy into the
Russian network. Commentator Michael Hammerschlag recaps
the power plays over Russian TV and the Guardian's Ian Traynor
reports on the NTV showdown. From Guardian Unlimited

 M.G.G. Pillai
| Malaysia's Indy Media Boom EXCLUSIVE: Independent Web sites have challenged the
government's monopoly on truth. Now officials are scrambling to mute
the opposition. Malaysian Net pioneer and banned writer M.G.G.
Pillai reports from Kuala Lumpur.

African Journalists On Their Own The woes (murder,
imprisonment, disregard) of African journalists seem matched only by
their own flaws (bribe-taking, mediocrity). Tom Kamars considers the
risks of writing in a continent that is simultaneously reviled and
ignored. From

Media On The Media • Media By And For
Farmers • PBS Sells Its Young • Reporting The Toxic Truth
And much, much more... Plus: Streaming audio and video

Hot Story: Writers' Digital Rights
Do electronic
collections of articles constitute new works? A series of U.S. court
cases and contract negotiations may determine the future of
copyright, digital archives and freelancer's rights. MediaChannel
brings you the headlines.

Global Concentration: The Ownership
Chart NEW! Thanks to the merger boom, media power is more
concentrated than ever. MediaChannel, New Internationalist magazine
and Britain's Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom present
the global media overlords in vivid color.

Why Policy Matters This week MediaChannel
will launch our new section on Media Policy, and we want your input.
What are the media policy challenges in your country? What should be
the priorities for reform? Please send comments to

Special Section: Reporting the

MediaChannel is a not-for-profit project of OneWorld and The
Global Center, and is produced by Globalvision New Media, an affiliate of Globalvision
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